Self-paced meditation, movement & journaling courses for deeper self-awareness and supportive self-relating



Self-paced movement, meditation & journaling courses to deepen your self-awareness and build a healthy, strong and supportive relationship with yourself, and to know Self.

Main focuses:

  • Self-awareness

  • Self-relating

  • Open up to mothering energy

  • Body intelligence (embodiment)

  • Somatic awareness

  • Instincts & Intuition

  • Needs and self-advocacy

  • Dreams & Desires

  • Wholeness

  • Self-realization


This is for You, the soulful and sensitive human, who desire to develop a loving and supportive relationship with yourself. You who wants dive into yourself and slowly, one step at time, build a healthy, strong and supportive relationship with yourself.


These are prerecorded movement, meditation & journaling courses to cultivate self-awareness and supportive self-relating.


These are on demand courses, you can start them as soon as you sign up and will practice at your own pace.


All courses are available via my online school on the Teachable platform



To CULTIVATE is to prepare, to loosen or break up the soil to foster the healing and growth of the land. In this case the land is your bodymindsoul.

When you self-cultivate you prepare yourself, soften, become open to receive the fullness of You.


The Three Centers - from desire to action

Dive in to your hearts deepest desire, explore the knowledge and resources you have within you to support that desire, and find the ways to move that knowing into intentional action.

A three week Sadhana consisting of meditation, journaling and movement through the three centers of creation. Access your heart, brain and gut, and journey through the lands of desire, knowledge and action.

You will be redirected to my online school on Teachable to learn more & sign up for the course



Embody Divine Power - a movement journey

You are not separate from the Divine, each and everyone of us is unique drop in the divine sea that is all that exists. You are free to be, to joyfully desire, know, and create. The Divine Powers are yours to awaken, embody, and explore. They have never not been with you. It is your birthright to realize and tap into your true nature.

These five movement sessions are designed for you to awaken, embody, and explore the powers of your divine nature. They include talks, breathwork, both slow & dynamic movement, mainly  free movement, but also some guided asana.

You will be redirected to my online school on Teachable to learn more & sign up for the course.



Välkommen Hem
On demand Embodied Flow™ yoga library
(In Swedish)

Välkommen hem består av fyra terminer Embodied Flow™ yogaklasser som följer årstiderna. Du kan börja resan när du vill och stanna kvar så länge som det känns rätt för dig. Varje vecka får du ta del av tre klasser som alla utforskar samma förkroppsligande tema. Klasserna är uppdelade i Meditation, Flödande & Stillsam och totalt består biblioteket av 159 klasser + några Meditativ Rörelse klasser.

Du kommer att omdirigeras till min online skola på Teachable när du klickar på knappen.



Linda Nenne

Embodied Flow™ teacher, Somatic self-relationship educator, coach and mentor

Since 2010 Linda Nenne has guided, supported and helped women rediscover a deep and loving relationship to their physical body, psyche, inner parts, emotional body and to feel at home in themselves. She has supported them to gain clarity and self-awareness in who they are, what they want and how to live a life aligned with their inner purpose.

She specializes in supporting soulful and sensitive people to feel empowered to show up for themselves and in the world with confidence, vulnerability and authenticity.