Transform your sensitivity from a source of overwhelm and confusion to a source of strength and self-confidence.
Being You is a 6 month online private 1:1 mentoring and Embodied Flow™/somatic group journey.
This is a journey that opens up to a sense of belonging in the world and the lived experience of purpose in life.
Explore the possibility to stop taking responsibility for other peoples emotions and reactions and still feel safe and welcomed in this world.
From there gain clarity in who you are, what you need and want, and how to meet those needs and wants.
The story about how this program came to be…
You are probably here because you long for something different in life, long for direction and confidence that feels true to you. You are probably here because you long to feel more at home in yourself, more at home in life. You long for a sense of belonging.
In the video I share how this program came to be through my work with sensitive people and how my work has informed what I can offer you.
Why a combination of private 1:1 and group sessions?
There are a lot a of wise people who have spoken to why we need each other, here are a two reasons why I chose to add group sessions to this program:
“Rarely, if ever, are any of us healed in isolation. Healing is an act of communion.” – Bell Hooks
“None of us can be truly human in isolation.” – Harold S. Kushner
This is a very tricky part for us sensitives, because it is also in relationship to other people and the world around us that we loose ourselves or get overwhelmed or feel like we are too much or not enough.
And yet it is in relationship, in community, that we can really begin to heal.
It is in relationship to other people and the world around us that we can practice to set boundaries, to say and do the things we long for, to practice to express ourselves.
One could say that we need others to help us fulfill our nature.
And believe me when I say that I know it can feel daunting to step into an in-depth group program!
That is why we will also have private 1:1 sessions, the place where you can lean back and get support without having to attune to anyone else. And also why you will get supportive homework and space to meet and integrate what comes up along the journey.
From my years of working in both group settings and private mentoring I have found that there is wisdom flowing through groups that we can’t access in the private settings, and there is depth in 1:1 sessions that we can’t touch into in group settings.
I want to give you the opportunity to experience both in this program!
“I have more courage to say and do the things that flow through me without thinking about what others might think of me.”
”During my years of study with Linda I have come to sense my intuition in a more clear way and have the courage to listen to it more and more. I know how to find my way back into my body when I feel scattered and unclear. I have an embodied knowing that acceptance and letting my emotions be felt is better than denial or resistance. I feel more love and appreciation towards myself from the inside out. And I have more courage to say and do the things that flow through me without thinking about what others might think of me.”
- Caroline Backas. Group Treasurer/Finance
1:1 private mentoring & group sessions
I get it, it can be really hard to understand and navigate this being a sensitive human.
Thoughts and emotions and energies and relationships and life itself is so powerful, and if you didn’t get the support that you needed growing up. If you didn’t learn how to be with the intensity of your own internal experience it can be really difficult to navigate it now as an adult.
Maybe you had to take on more responsibility than what was meant for you.
Maybe you learnt to always be attuned to other people and to what was happening around you.
Maybe you did this to stay safe and feel welcomed in this world, to feel like you belonged.
This constant outward attunement blurs the boundaries of you.
It diminishes the ability to distinguish between what belongs to you and what belongs to someone else.
You lose yourself in other people and the world around you.
And in that even your dreams and longings become tangled up with what you think you should want or should dream about.
Being able to care for, understand, be the bigger person in relationship to and with the world around you is wonderful.
And to always be attuned to what everyone else is feeling or experiencing is set up for overwhelm.
This program is, at its core, about coming home to the wholeness of who and what you are.
To learn how to navigate this resource that your sensitivity really is.
To learn how to harness the power of this resource.
Make your sensitivity work for you instead of you being consumed by it.
Sensitivity is a resource that you have, not something that you are.
You are more than just sensitive.
There are unexplored parts of you that when you meet them with love and compassion can help you regain your power.
And there are both powerful and supportive parts of you waiting to be discovered.
A story about sensitivity and belonging
I want to share a story with you. This is a story common to many of the people I’ve worked with. A story about the sensitive human who longs for belonging, but get lost in the world searching for it…
“The spaces Linda has held has offered me pathways to find that safety and capability within myself.”
”When I started working with Linda I was struggling with perfectionism and high performance demands and I was looking for the perfect model or structure that I could implement. During my time working with Linda I’ve come to realize that the structure or the model is not an outer form of good or bad, right or wrong but a multidimensional listening to what is needed in the moment.
For a long time I thought that I had to get away from this longing for a model or a structure, but I’ve come to realize that is doesn’t have to do with ”how I should do something” but rather that I can listen to myself to know what I need to do or not do.
Perfectionism still pops its head out from time to time but I’ve learnt to be with it, see it, move with it, invite it in and accept it. I feel safe and capable to meet also the uncomfortable. The spaces Linda has held has offered me pathways to find that safety and capability within myself.”
- Rebecka Eriksson. Entrepreneur & Investor.
1:1 private mentoring & group sessions
If you are experiencing any of these fears let me start by saying that you are not alone and that there is nothing wrong with you.
Your fears, no matter how irrational they may seem, are all valid.
There is always a reason why we have developed the fears we are carrying in our bodies and at the same time that doesn’t mean we have to continue carrying them throughout our lives.
The tipping point in my own journey was when I realized that in my fear of being too much, in my fear of being left out, I was abandoning myself in favor for being there for other people.
Every time I said yes when I wanted to say no, or vice versa, I was abandoning myself.
The fears were rooted in my ability to be attuned and deeply sensitive to what was happening in other people and the world around me.
And that I learnt that in order to feel safe and welcomed in this world I had to cater to other peoples experiences.
This started to change when I began to befriend my own internal experience.
Befriend intense emotions such as anger, disappointment, fear, shame.
It started to change when I learned to distinguish between what belonged to me and what belonged to someone else.
I stopped taking responsibility for other people’s emotions and reactions.
I realized that I had been trying to get away from my own internal experience because I didn’t know how to be with or navigate it. And in doing so I chose to instead always be attuned to what was happening outside of myself.
I began to tune my sensitivity inwards. Using my sensitivity to listen deeply to what was alive in me.
I began to listen deeply to what wanted to be expressed through me and learned how to compassionately support all the parts of me that were afraid or felt small or angry or overwhelmed.
As I began to inhabit more of my body, my sensitivity became a resource, a power that I could use instead of something that I was consumed by.
I began to feel lighter and more grounded at the same time.
The self-critical voice softened and a more supportive self-talk began to arise.
Life felt feel richer and more easeful, even in moments of discomfort.
It felt like a veil had been lifted and I could see and experience myself and the world around me with clarity and confidence.
This is my gift to you…
The program runs over 5-6 months, dates for 2023 will be released at the beginning of the year.
1:1 private sessions will be scheduled when you have your personal Onboarding Call with me.
We will meet for both 1:1 sessions and group session every third week for about 6 months.
Part 1
The Lay of the Land
Your resources
Your dreams
Your challenges
Your story
You inner compass
Part 2
The Grief & The Gold
The one who protects you from harm
The exiled in the shadows
Belonging: bonding & boundaries
Your uniqueness & nuances
Closing & opening
“Her soothing and calming approach always makes me feel that I am already whole.”
”Linda’s work was extraordinary to me. Her soothing and calming approach always makes me feel that I am already whole. And that all is doable in my own time. She wonderfully guides me through my inner landscape and my own topics, leaving me in a relaxed state paired with the awesome connection to my own confidence.”
- Michaela Ottman. Self-employed
1:1 private mentoring
Part 1
The Lay of the Land
Session 1
Your resources
Session 1: Your Resources
A journey well-travelled begins with mapping out where you are, what you have to take with you and where you want to go.
Imagine going for hike in the wilderness.
The first thing you will do is locate where you are by looking at a map.
From there you can draw out a route that will take you past the waterholes of the area, past places where you can be fed and sleep safely for the night.
If you add to that a pair of comfortable shoes, clothes that will keep you warm and protect you from the sun, a backpack filled with well-chosen resources for this particular journey you have prepared yourself in the best possible way.
The same is true for a journey in your internal landscape.
That is why we in this session begin with a resource assessment and with looking at the map and together distinguishing where you are and what you need to take with you.
Session 2: Your dreams & your challenges
Your dreams and your visions are your future self summoning you to come to her, to become her.
Sometimes it might feel like she is asking too much of you.
That the challenges that lay in front of you are too big to overcome.
Sometimes it might even be that the challenges are so load that you can’t even hear her calling.
But what if you don’t have to overcome your challenges?
What if there are hidden messages in the challenges and that those messages are clues that will lead you to your self, to Self.
In this session we will listen to the calling.
We will untangle the dreams from the challenges and braid them together with clear intention.
Session 2
Your dreams & your challenges
Session 3
Your story
Session 3: Your story
Your story, their story, our story, history, herstory.
The story of you is entwined with the story of all the people, past and present, that you’ve crossed paths with. And the people of the people.
A web of stories that become the tapestry that we call life.
What you include and what you leave out will determine the flavor of the story.
That is both the beauty and the scary thing about stories.
They can liberate us and they can imprison us.
In this session we will explore the stories you tell yourself.
We will draw out important moments in your life and look for what liberates you and what imprisons you.
Session 4: Your inner compass
You were born with a clear inner compass consisting of a combination of intuition and instincts.
This inner compass is there to give you direction on the what, how, when and where in life.
It directs your movements and your rest, when it’s time to take the next step and when it’s time to pause and reflect.
The more you use it the stronger and more refined it gets.
Unfortunately, for a lot of us our inner compass has been skewed. It might be difficult to distinguish between your animal instincts and your higher intuition. What are the actual messages now and what is an echo from the past.
Maybe your Yes becomes a No and your No a Yes due to things you’ve been told you should or shouldn’t want or do.
In this session you will get to listen to and sense the information your inner compass is providing you.
You will get to parse out what is in the here and now so that you will become more skilled at using this compass that you were born with.
This is the last session in the first part of the journey.
In the next session we will move deeper into the wilderness of your internal landscape.
Session 4
Your inner compass
Part 2
The Grief & The Gold
Session 5 & 6
The exiled in the shadows & the one who protects you from harm
Session 5 & 6: The exiled in the shadows and the one who protects you from harm
You consist of a lot of different parts. Like a puzzle where every piece has its place.
And you are a piece in larger puzzles.
The puzzle of your family of origin, the puzzle of your chosen family, the puzzle of your workplace, your friendships, and every other group constellation or system that you are a part of.
You are also a piece in the large puzzle we call life.
The roles you take in these larger puzzles are determined by how the parts of you go together or are estranged from each other.
It is determined by the roles the parts of you play in your internal landscape.
In these two sessions you will get to invite in parts of you to the larger conversation. You will get to listen to and communicate with the parts who wants to protect you from harm. And befriend parts who have been exiled from the puzzle of you.
Every part has its place and every part comes with a positive intention, even when it at first doesn’t feel like it.
Session 7: Belonging - bonding & boundaries
Belonging runs so much deeper than fitting in.
Belonging is equal parts boundaries and bonding.
Belonging is communication and silence, togetherness and solitude.
Belonging is both the relationship between the internal parts of you and the relationship with the world around you.
As parts of you are invited in and meet, maybe for the first time, belonging roots itself in the flesh and bones of your body.
This session is an exploration of the relationship between boundaries and bonding.
You will get to flesh out your personal style of bonding and experience what boundaries feel like in your body.
You will get to explore ways of communicating these boundaries without feeling like you are compromising the bonding in relationship to yourself and the world around you.
Session 7
Belonging: bonding & boundaries
Session 8
Your uniqueness & nuances
Session 8: Your uniqueness & nuances
There is something unique in you that has never been before and that can not be copied or repeated. The very thing that makes you You.
This uniqueness is at the same time incredibly nuanced and always the same, something that never changes and yet has a myriad of flavors in it.
Every time you taste the uniqueness or the essence of you, you will find something new. The embodiment of this uniqueness is Being You.
Being you is allowing and welcoming the nuances and simultaneously being rooted in the sameness.
As we come closer to the closing of this journey you will get to be with, be in and be as the uniqueness of you.
In this session we will explore the uniqueness and the nuances of you.
Root yourself in the essence of you.
Session 9: Closing & opening
Every closing is an opening.
This journey is ending and at the same time it is beginning.
Now is time to live your learnings.
Now is the time to live your remembrance of who and what you are.
In this closing session you are invited to give voice to your learnings, give voice to what you’ve remembered about who and what you are.
We will look at your next step, what new resources you have and how you’ve evolved over the past 6 months.
In this session you will also get to prepare for the opening of your next journey.
And get support on how to use all that you’ve discovered in a way that is beneficial you.
Once you’ve moved through the program you can go back and revisit the homework and other materials again. All of the sessions are tools for you to use in life.
Session 9
Closing & opening
“There is a much greater sense of trust in myself, the material and the experience. And i feel strangely liberated by the need to know or to be a good teacher.”
”I wanted to work with Linda because the teachings pour through her and she is able to distill and articulate her understanding in a very accessible, potent and powerful way. Her energy is open, curious, playful and free from judgement. She is very in the moment and seem to see the play of it all. That ability to remain light and curious whilst puzzling around some of the most complex philosophical inquiries is compelling and inspiring to me. What i took from our sessions was another deepening into my own knowing. From this moment in time, looking back, the process amplified the process. It was another doorway into awakening that has helped me to let go of some sticky ideas around teaching and around myself. There is a much greater sense of trust in myself, the material and the experience. And i feel strangely liberated by the need to know or to be a good teacher. I feel delighted by my own relative newness to this work and have found a greater humility in recent times.”
- Collette Davis. Yoga facilitator and creator of
Samavesa school of yoga
1:1 private teacher mentoring
What will the group sessions be like?
In my teaching I work very intuitively.
What comes up and what is alive in the private sessions will inform what we explore in the group setting.
So in a sense we are going to co-create the group experience.
I will pick up the threads and braid them together so that all of us get a chance to taste the wisdom that flows through each and every one of us.
The three core elements of every group session:
* Somatic meditation - experiential and body-based meditation. Meditation where you welcome, meet and experience what is alive in you.
* Embodied Flow™ movement - a combination of yoga, somatics and free movement where you get to express your internal experience through your whole body. If you are not familiar with Embodied Flow™ you can read more about it the FAQ section at the end of the page.
* Group sharing - the opportunity to practice to verbalize your experience and your findings, and to listen to other peoples wisdom. We are all following the same path on this journey, but what we see and live on this path will be unique to each and every participant in the group.
Imagine it…
Come along on a guided audio journey through the program to imagine what it would be like for you to participate.