To this world you belong. To this moment, in this place where you already stand, something greater has ushered you... And yet you can feel, as so many of us do, the ache of a life orphaned from belonging.
— Toko-pa Turner, Belonging.

🌱 How do we experience a sense of belonging without compromising who and what we are?

🌱 How can we notice when we hide parts of ourselves in order to fit in?

🌱 What do we do when it feels like our sense of bonding, our relationships, feels threatened by us communicating our boundaries?

Belonging can come in so many shapes and forms.
It shifts and it changes, and it is rooted in how we perceive ourselves and how well we keep our eyes, minds, hearts and bodies open to the reciprocal nature of being a human being in this world.

We need to cultivate a deeper self-awareness to be able to sense that “Yes, I belong” even in moments of conflict, disagreement and discomfort.


During this class we will…

  • explore our own sense of belonging and how we experience bonding and boundaries in our own life and in our bodies.

  • practice how to stay grounded and anchored in ourselves in moments of discomfort, and in moments when it feels like our sense of belonging is threatened.

  • compassionately meet parts of ourselves that compromise our sense of belonging in order to fit in.

Belonging - bonding & boundaries

Belonging is both the relationship between the internal parts of you and the relationship with the world around you.
As parts of you are invited in and meet, maybe for the first time, belonging roots itself in the flesh and bones of your body.

This class is an exploration of the relationship between bonding and boundaries.
An exploration of belonging.
You will get to step into a lived experience of bonding and what boundaries feel like in your physical body.
Experience the taste of belonging that arises in the midst of the two.


Linda Nenne

Yoga & Embodied Flow™ teacher, Life Coach, Somatic Healer

In the past 12 years Linda Nenne has guided, supported and helped women rediscover a deep and loving relationship to their bodies and to feel at home in themselves. She has supported them to gain clarity and self-awareness in who they are, what they want and how to live a life aligned with their inner purpose.

She specializes in supporting sensitive people to feel empowered to show for themselves and in the world with confidence, vulnerability and authenticity.