“You are not separate from the Divine, each and everyone of us is unique drop in the divine sea that is all that exists. You are free to be, to joyfully desire, know, and create. The Divine Powers are yours to awaken, embody, and explore. They have never not been with you. It is your birthright to realize and tap into your true nature.”
5 Movement Sessions
Recorded live on Zoom
When signing up you will be redirected to my online school at Teachable.
These five movement sessions are designed for you to awaken, embody, and explore the powers of your divine nature. They include talks, breathwork, both slow & dynamic movement, mainly free movement, but also some guided asana. Every session comes with a Spotify playlist that you can play at home. The playlist requirers that you have a Spotify premium, or similar, paid account.
These sessions are playful, deep, exploratory moments to stir, shake things up, stop, be surprised, surrender, and rest - all from the safety and comfort of your own home, or any other location of your choosing.
The Journey starts with Chit Shakti - the power of unconditioned presence awareness - the foundation, or ground, that all the other powers (Shaktis) evolve out of and return back into.
When you sink into Chit Shakti, deeper and deeper, she gives rise to Ananda Shakti - the power of bliss, the power of YES! to life. This yes awakens Iccha Shakti - the power of will or desire. Desire in its purest and most clear form.
Iccha Shakti is precognitive, it is the raw felt sense of divine will. When the flow of divine will vibrates in your heart Jnana Shakti - the power of knowing/knowledge/wisdom - is turned on.
In it's highest form Jnana Shakti is the innate intelligence that created you out of one single cell, the intelligence that gives rise to Kriya Shakti - the power of action.
Kriya Shakti is the culmination of all the Shaktis, powers. It's the power that brings all the other powers into manifestation. Kriya Shakti is spontaneous expressions, or celebrations, of the divine. Actions done for their own sake, actions without attachment to the result. Actions that circle back to Chit Shakti. Becomings that bring you deeper into being.
And so it begins again
. . .
These five sessions where recorded live on Zoom, and now you are welcomed to dive into the journey from being to action. The sessions are mainly free movement, so give yourself space to move outside the borders of your yogamat. Also give yourself some extra time at the end to journal about, be with, and absorb your experience.
Lets dive in ...
A preview of the iccha Shakti Movement Session
Get comfortable, open the playlist and dive in!
Iccha Preview playlist
When signing up you will be redirected to my online school at Teachable.
Frequently asked questions
When can I start the course?
You can start the course at any time, as soon as you've signed up or at a time of your choosing.
For how long do I have access to the course?
You have lifetime access to the material. So you can revisit the journey again and again.
What do I do if I have personal questions?
You are welcomed to reach out to me via email with personal questions, or use the comments section in the course.
For more support you can book a private session with me.