Held will be offered again in September 2024



And the Great Mother said:
Come my child and give me all that you are.
I am not afraid of your strength and darkness, of your fear and pain.
Give me your tears.
They will be my rushing rivers and roaring oceans.
Give me your rage.
It will erupt into my molten volcanoes and rolling thunder.
Give me your tired spirit.
I will lay it to rest in my soft meadows.
Give me your hopes and dreams.
I will plant a field of sunflowers and arch rainbows in the sky.
You are not too much for me.
My arms and heart welcome your true fullness.
There is room in my world for all of you, all that you are.
I will cradle you in the boughs of my ancient redwoods and the valleys of my gentle rolling hills.
My soft winds will sing you lullabies and soothe your burdened heart.
Release your deep pain.
You are not alone and you have never been alone.

- Linda Reuther

She is challenging me, the Great Mother.
”Put aside all of your ideas of how this should be done and listen deep within”.
I walk outside, feel the warm summer earth beneath my feet.
”Hold me. Guide me.” I ask her.
”I’m always here.” she answers.

HELD is a path towards healing and wholeness.
She is inviting you to steer away from the concrete road and explore the animal trails winding through the wilderness.
She is leading you in the direction of alignment with spirit and animal nature.

To be held is to heal.
Body knows how to heal.
Body knows how to return to wholeness.
But we haven’t been taught how to surrender and listen to her wisdom.

We have been taught to disregard the feminine, intuitive, spirit and animal nature.
The time to return, to re-remember is now.

Held is the returning to that wilderness within.
Great Mother medicine is what supports your returning, your remembering.
It is a slow, intuitive, nonlinear journey.
A journey of Self-discovery and leaning into a supportive self-relationship.



Regular: 317 euro



“I feel much more at ease within myself. I trust my intuition more. I see my parts as allies not enemies. I ensure my physical comfort in all situations. I feel more connected to myself and my creativity.”

Linda has a natural and human way of facilitation. She works within a horizontal framework and I felt comfortable contributing, asking questions and offering feedback to other participants.

After working with her I feel much more at ease within myself. I trust my intuition more. I see my parts as allies not enemies. I ensure my physical comfort in all situations. I feel more connected to myself and my creativity.

I think Linda's passion and wisdom for human being and human relation means that she is a generous and effective facilitator and guide.

- Naomi Keyte

Music: https://open.spotify.com/artist/01qpw4PtPemH5qo1UJQ2ou?si=sMMU_Xy3RjmBjyMM_nvxHw



“There is a wilderness in every person.
A way of walking, a set of spots, an inclination, a blinking impulse that silently draws us forward.
Like an elephant finding water in a desert it has never travelled, or a bird coming to fly with brand new wings, we all have this instinctual capacity.

It is the animal in us that knows what it knows, and it’s the origin from which all creativity is expressed.

Instinct is the part of us, as in all animals, that knows without thinking what and when to do something, how to respond, which way to go. Instinct is our ‘right responsiveness’ guiding us towards our yesses and away from our noes.”

- Toko-pa Turner, Belonging. Remembering Ourselves Home



I asked my Instagram audience what they feel more comfortable with, ‘to hold’ or ‘to be held’.
100% answered ‘to hold’.

I then asked the same audience
“What do you most long for? To hold or to be held?”
98% answered ‘to be held’.

I can recognize myself in those answers.
It has taken a lot of practice to give myself permission to be held.

To be held is to surrender.
It can feel deeply vulnerable.
A moment of falling, without knowing if someone or something will catch you.
It requires courage and trust to surrender into being held.

If you have become accustomed to playing the role of the holder, the emotional caretaker, there is immense healing power in allowing yourself to be held.
To receive what you give.

You might have spent a lifetime building a protective wall between yourself and the forces that long to hold you.
Maybe there are parts of you who have never felt held.

Behind those protective walls you’ve caged your tears, your rage, your dreams, your joy, your creativity, spirit and life force, your animal body.
When you are leaning into being held the protective walls begin to soften.
Through a permeable membrane, all that has been kept in place begins to seep out.
And the sensation of being supported beings to seep in.

This is why begin held can feel so vulnerable.
All that you’ve tried to hide, from yourself and other people, is invited to the surface.
The good, the bad, the ugly, the beautiful.

There is nothing you’ve done wrong.
This is the culture we are living in.
The waters we swim in.
This is what many of us have been taught to do to survive.

The Great Mother spirit is here to show you that there is another way to live.
There is a way to be here, held by life.
There is a way to trust, to surrender, to release.
There is a way to rise up in your wholeness.

Alexander K. (unsplash.com)



I want to invite you to this journey in a way that feels right and true for me.
In a way where you can feel the resonance or magnetism, the attracting and repelling force, in your bodymindsoul and from that decide if this is for you, or not.

How can you feel that?
How do you know?

I reflect on how I myself know when something is right and true for me.
In my inner landscape I travel back to moments in time when I felt, in my whole body, a clear ‘Yes’.

I used to believe that an intense rush was my true ‘Yes’.
From experience I now know that that is not always the case.
Sometimes that rush is adrenalinic animal body calling me to go in a different direction.

A soft expansion, the feeling of a butterfly landing on the first flower of summer.
My true ‘Yes’ feels restful, friendly waves lapping against sun-warmed rocks.
Large and fluffy snowflakes that land like a soft blanket over a quiet landscape.

Of course, there is also a kind of nectarian intoxication.
It tickles softly in the depths of my belly.
Heart swells and whispers Yes...

HELD is an old forest, large trees with deep and steady roots.
Branches touching the clouds.

HELD is a cocoon, a womb.
Inviting you to release the weight of your bones, your muscles, and your blood.
Release the weight of old wounds.

She is inviting you to rise up.
To unmask.
To choose yourself again and again.

Elisa Stone (unsplash.com)



I close my eyes and surrender in the arms of the Great Mother.
I ask her to speak through me.
I can sense the connection between spinal cord and brain light up.
A swelling, a pulsation of information from the depths of body moving up along my spine.

We have ventured far enough from what is natural, it is time to return now.
Lay down all of your shoulds and let yourself rest here for a moment.
Your body knows what to do and when.
Your body knows how to heal and how to return to wholeness.

You didn’t come here to be a machine.
You didn’t come here
to not feel the lifegiving intelligence moving through you, as you.

You came here to live, to experience, to breath, to connect, to feel, to be, to create.
You came here to love and be loved.
Don’t let anyone convince you otherwise.

You are spirit in animal body.
You are unbound creativity in a divine vessel.
You are both the witness and the experiencer.

Body is not an object.
Body is a living breathing alive intelligence.

Mind is not an object.
Mind is a creative force coming into to form.

Everything you need to thrive, to love, to feel supported is inside of you.
In the folds of bodymindspirit are your deepest dreams, your needs, your rhythm.
The umbilical cord that connects you to all that is, all the wisdom past, present, future is right there inside of you.

Artist unknown



I settle deep in the pelvic bowl.
Immerse myself in the creative power of womb.
The inner well-spring of vitality, truth, and earth power.

I surrender the weightiness of my body to the seat of the chair.
Underneath, mother earth is waiting to catch me.

I relax and receive her life-giving pulse as it tickles the soles of my feet.

A portal opens that leads me deeper into my inner landscape.
An invitation to get closer to myself, my true nature.
To grow in courage to live from that source.

My animal body, my instincts, and spirit, intuition, meet.
Embrace and merge.
Body, mind, soul weaved together.
Waves of life energy bring body-mind-soul into a swirling dance.

The subconscious communicates with colors, shapes, images, symbols, words.
I am embraced by the air around me, I let it caress my skin.
I listen, receive, know without having to explain.

Artist: Unknown (if you know the source, please inform me)



This group is not for everyone, and everyone is welcome.
You who will feel at home here is a person who has always felt a little different, not like everyone else.

You experience yourself as a sensitive human.
You feel a lot and is often aware of what is going on underneath the surface.
It doesn't matter if you label yourself as highly sensitive, sensitive or neurodivergent -
this journey is designed for you.

You sometimes walk around feeling like a visitor from another planet.
And at the same time you feel incredibly close to the earth, as if you are part of her nature and her cycles.
You feel drawn to mysticism, animism, spirituality beyond religion (direct experience), the subconscious, the dreamworld, and the underworld.

You've probably always felt a bit different.
Found it difficult to fit into the pace and demands of modern society.
You see other people who seem to not mind the pace at all, and you wonder how the fuck they do it.
You've tried, probably spent a big chuck of your adult life trying to keep up, and now you feel tired and done with this.

You want something else, you want to live a life that feels good, supportive, and right for you.
But you don't know where to start or how to get there.
Or maybe you’re already well on your way and what to you even deeper.

You know that you need body work and soul work (Marion Woodman says body work is soul work and I agree).
But you often feel that you get stuck in your head, that you intellectualize what is meant to be felt.
And I get that, there is absolutely nothing wrong with you for experiencing that, our modern society is built around you objectifying your body and being "stuck in your head".
To want something different is radical and revolutionary.

HELD is a place where you will be offered tools that support you to embrace yourself in your wholeness.
Learn to tap into your instincts and intuition.
To follow the inner guidance in relation to your direct environment.

Artist: M. Roland



Regular: 317 euro


Weekly Nurture sessions - Tuesdays at 9 - 10.30am CEST/CET*
Recordings to the session will be uploaded to Teachable later the same day - you will get access to that page after sign up.
Check your corresponding timezone here:

Weekly Drop Into Self classes - Thursdays at 8am CEST/CET
You can join live or via recording. Recordings will be uploaded to the Teachable page.
September theme - The HELD Series
October theme - The ANIMAL BODY Series

Weekly check-ins in the HELD Facebook group
For this Nurture journey I will beta test using a Facebook group. The group will only be for HELD participants.
I will share journaling prompts, poetry and stories, and you are invited to bring your questions, reflections and insights to the group.

Access to individual support via email
You can reach out to me at any point during the course if you need individual support.
I will either attend to this via a personal email to you or anonymously in the next live session (if I feel that it is something that might resonate with others in the group).

* Clocks will change from CEST to CET on Sunday October 29th. Our last session will be at 9am CET, all other sessions are at 9am CEST.



“There's no right or wrong way, so I feel loved and held unconditionally and that allows me to drop out of mind and into body, where I have access to the imaginal, the liminal, to insight, inspiration, the language of soul and all that is waiting to be met in the fertile dark of my unconscious.”

What I like best about working with Linda is the poetry and inspiration, and her willingness to sit on the edge of discovery and trust in the unfolding. She embodies transparency, in that she is wide open to what is in her immediate field of experience and she shares honestly and from that immediacy. It is a highly sophisticated superpower that has been cultivated over years of devotion and curiosity and I hold that in the highest regard.

What has shifted in the time when I’ve been in Lindas field is my own access to the field, a deepening of trust and an ease around facilitation where I can sit comfortably in the unknown and create the conditions for others to do the same. I am less bound and more attuned to the secret wordless language of the now.

She gives everyone plenty of space to have their own experience and trust in their intuition and deeper knowing. These spaces are so important to me because they are not trying to impose anything, or make anyone do or see anything they are not ready to do or see. There is a generosity in that. There's no right or wrong way so I feel loved and held unconditionally and that allows me to drop out of mind and into body, where I have access to the imaginal, the liminal, to insight, inspiration, the language of soul and all that is waiting to be met in the fertile dark of my unconscious. What's not to love.

- Collette Davis
Creative Director, Embodiment Facilitator, Writer, Wizard

Website: https://www.samavesayoga.com/
Social Media:



Marion Woodman.
Coming Home to Myself. Reflections for Nurturing a Woman’s Body & Soul

A body whose wisdom
has never been honored
does not easily trust.
An animal with a crazy trainer 
learns crazy habits,
runs wild (feral).

When we take ourselves seriously,
we accept the responsibility
of knowing and loving our body.

Body work is soul work.
Imagination is the bridge
between body and soul.
To have healing power,
an image needs to be taken
into our body on our breath.
Only then can the image connect
with the life force.
Only then can things change.

The ego that refuses to submit
to the demands of the body
will eventually have to submit
to the powers of nature.

If the dream says something is wrong
with your body, check.
Long before you do, your body knows
when something is wrong.

If you can listen to the wisdom of your body,
love this flesh and bone,
dedicate yourself to its mystery,
you may one day
find yourself
smiling from your mirror.

How many people do you know
who are willing to trust
their deepest understanding?
Test body wisdom in your office:
just try asking your boss
to breathe a decision
into her or his belly to check its resonance…

Body work, like dream work, is soul work.
Body and dream illuminate
the point where spirit and matter
touch and do not touch.

Energy enters you
from the one sleeping beside you.
If that energy is depressed, angry,
doesn’t like you tonight,
it might appear in your dreams.

If we breathe deeply,
feeling erupts,
grows too intense for us.
So we keep our breath shallow.
To breathe deeply
is to receive
and that is the feminine incarnate.

To be in my body
also means to suffer.

Often we listen to a cat
with more precision
than we listen to our body.

We cherish the cat.
It purrs.
Our body may have to release
a scream, a symptom,
to be heard by us at all.
Too often, our soul can find
no other way to be heard.

To sit in a chair and analyze
is heady stuff,
but it does not help you
live the power of the image.

Put your image into your body.
Does it awaken a respons?

Of course:
your rage, your grief,
your great Buddha laugh.

Just put the image into your body
and wait.

This is your body,
your greatest gift,
pregnant with wisdom you do not hear,
grief you thought was forgotten,
and joy you have never known.

Give your body an hour a day.
If it’s not worth an hour a day,
there’s nothing
your body can tell you
and not much
anyone else can do.


Artist: Leigh Viner




Week 1 - Opening circle | Connecting to the Great Mother spirit

We call in the Great Mother. She who births and nurtures all that is.
You are invited to explore and discover your own relationship with her, and if needed renegotiate your relationship to the concept of mother. During the opening circle you will be guided to set an intention, or receive an intention, for this journey.

Week 2 - Touch ground

In manifest form the Great Mother is the holding force of space and earth. Isn't it amazing how we humans, and other animals and plants, can walk on this earth. Stay in relationship to earth and at the same time move seamlessly. We are both bound and free at the same time. It is the boundedness that gives rise to the freedom. Without the boundedness, or groundedness, we would be floating around aimlessly with little capacity to make choices of where we want to go and how we want to move. When we deepen our relationship with ground and the support that it offers us, it not only changes how we move our physical body, it reshapes our psyche, our nervous system responses, our thought patterns.

Week 3 - Immerse

During Immerse sessions you will get a chance to check-in, journal, ask questions and share insights and reflections. We will revisit what we've been exploring for the past two weeks and I will offer entry points to deeper exploration through journaling and self-inquiry

Week 4 - Animal Body

You live in an animal body. An animal that is both a predator and prey. Your body knows where to go, what to do. If you experience yourself as sensitive, and/or as woman, it is highly likely that the prey side of your animal body is more alive than the predator side. You need your inner predator awake and alive and ready to roar (if needed), but remember that the predator isn't always on the hunt. Predators are also masters on relaxing, on harnessing their energy, of being playful.
Your inner landscape can be like the waterhole, where predator and prey can co-exist and even support each other.

An unexpressed predator energy easily turns itself inwards, attacks itself and the inner prey. All that unexpressed predatory energy will turn inwards and become self-destructive behaviors, negative self-talk etc. Like the predator eating itself. Once you begin to express it, the charge is released from your body and without the bound up charge the energy can be channeled towards what you truly want and need.

Week 5 - Needs & Rhythm

Why do we start with the animal body and then go to needs? Because the predatory energy is often what we are most afraid of in ourselves and it can be difficult to feel the unmet need underneath it. First we find a way to release charge, to rehabilitate and mobilize our inner animal. When you begin to feel what you need, what support you need, and what your natural rhythm is - your life will begin to change. When you follow your own pulse you will begin to create a life that supports you, a life that holds you. Your needs come first and the rest will be structured around it. Rhythm comes first, structure second. Many of us have been taught this the other way around. We are offered a structure and then it's up to us to try to fit into that structure. Our natural rhythm is suffocated. It is time to change that, it is time to create a life the holds you in your wholeness.

Week 6 - Immerse

During Immerse sessions you will get a chance to check-in, journal, ask questions and share insights and reflections. We will revisit what we've been exploring for the past two weeks and I will offer entry points through journaling and self-inquiry

Week 7 - Capacity to feel good

To navigate towards what feels good, towards pleasure is an radical act. First you are invited to begin to notice what feels good, to linger there, and then to notice your capacity to feel good. To navigate towards what feels good is not to deny the pain of life, it is to grow in capacity to feel more of life. To pendulate between what feels good and what is painful or uncomfortable. To feel good is to soften, to open, to trust.

Week 8 - Closing circle



Regular: 317 euro



What I appreciate most about working with Linda is her authenticity, the space she offers and her sensitivity that feels what is going on.

After working with Linda I feel more in tune with my feelings. I am still working with my tendency to go up to the brain space, but I have more tools now to feel into myself when it happens.

Thank you for the beautiful sessions!

- Coni

Website: www.corneliawettstein.com



Linda Nenne

Embodied Flow™ teacher, Somatic self-discovery & self-relationship educator, coach and mentor

Since 2010 Linda Nenne has guided, supported and helped women rediscover a deep and loving relationship to their physical body, psyche, inner parts, emotional body and to feel at home in themselves. She has supported them to gain clarity and self-awareness in who they are, what they want and how to live a life aligned with their inner purpose.

She specializes in supporting soulful and sensitive people to feel empowered to show up for themselves and in the world with confidence, vulnerability and authenticity.