Your dominant sensitivity type is…

Please note that this is only your dominant sensitivity type in this moment in time.
We humans all have combinations of different types of sensitivity, so you can always go back and take the quiz again if there were multiple choices that were right for you.

With that said, let me share with you my insights around Intuitive Sensitivity…

To be Intuitive Sensitive means that you receive messages about where to go and what to say or do, seemingly out of the blue. You understand and know things based on a deep felt sense rather than only based on proof or fact.

There are at least two different ways that intuition shows up. One of them is when you’ve spent a great length of time studying and exploring a craft, topic, landscape or similar. This form of intuition is usually easier to notice and follow, because you already feel familiar with the area of exploration, and therefore it is easier to trust the intuitive signals. The other form of intuition is when you receive insights about things that you have very little or no previous experience about. This type of intuition is the one that we humans seem to struggle with the most because it comes with a high level of uncertainty.

Intuition is not a foreign concept in modern science, a number of prominent scientists have shared their own personal experiences in using intuitive insights to come to groundbreaking scientific results. Some of them are Albert Einstein, Marie Curie, Mae Jeminson, and Isaac Newton. Of course all of them used their intuition together with deep knowledge in their field of study, that then helped them transform this intuitive insight into facts.

In recent years the workings of intuition has been studied in scientific settings, and studies it has been shown that intuition arise due to patterns that we unconsciously pick up and process through our right brain, hippocampus and gut tube (hence gut feeling). The gut can be seen as the third brain, brain and heart the first and second, and it is through this third brain that, at least according to science, that we process intuition.

With this knowledge it becomes apparent why it is so important to be at home in your body as an Intuitive Sensitive. The more aware you are of your both emotional and instinctual signals, and can distinguish between different sensations in your body, the more skilled you are noticing and using your intuitive sensitivity.

In several ancient traditions a lot of emphaise is put on intuition as a way to gain higher insight around ones life journey, decision making, and understanding the natural world and the interconnected relationship between all living things. As an Intuitive Sensitive you probably find a lot of strenght and support from the natural world, and could probably benefit from using practices taught in traditions that honor and celebrate a strong and clear intuition.

A challenge for you might me to distingush between sensations, emotions, instincts, intution and other internal signals. Without a self-awareness that includes your whole bodymindsoul complex it is easy to tangle up intuitive signals with other internal signals. It might be that nervousness arises in your body due to a situation being similar to something you’ve experienced before that was unpleasent or uncomfortbale, and without being able to distingush emotions from other internal signals, you might mistake that nervousness to be an intuitive message. Or the other way around, you miss the intuitive message when you interpret it as an emotion or other kind of internal signal.

One way to untangle intuition from other internal signals is to notice for how long it stays and how loud it is, usually intuition is like a flash of insight that doesn’t hang around for that long afterwards. Like lightning it appares very quickly and then disappear, leaving behind a sense of freshness and clarity. That is way it can be so easy to miss or that it gets drowned underneath the noice of other louder internal signals such as thoughts and emotions.

Intuition is a superpower that you have and my hope for you is that you find ways to harness that power, so that you can use it in a way that is beneficial for you.