It is important to be carefully attuned to our desires, for they help us form our individual path [...] Desire can be understood as the force of our will toward equilibrium and wholeness..
— Judith Blackstone, The Enlightenment Process

🌱 How do we untangle our dreams and our desires from our fears without pushing our fears away or denying their existence?

🌱 How do we become more skilled at carving our own individual path towards wholeness in relationship to other people and the world around us?

🌱 What do we do when it feels like our dreams and longings are buried underneath the weighty demands of modern life?

To live is both to be and to become. How we are and who we become is dependent on the relationship between our experiences in our outer world and how we tend to our own personal challenges, dreams and longings.

It is easy to feel that life is happening TO us, especially if we have experienced that our power has been taken away from us, as so many of us have. By reclaiming that power with self-awareness and compassion we can slowly change the experience to a lived knowing that life happens WITH and THROUGH us.

We need to learn how to hold both our challenges and our dreams, our grief and our gold, loosely, lovingly and lightly. Neither push them away nor force them into existence.


During this class we will…

  • explore our deep dreams and longings and the things that veil our view. We will explore how to flow in between the grief and the gold, the challenges and the dreams, so that they can be braided together with clarity, compassion and confidence.

  • practice holding opposites. Practice to stand in the tension in between the two poles of what has been and what its wanting to become.

  • compassionately hold the parts of ourselves that feel powerless and small in a world that demands too much of us.

Your future self is summoning you

Your dreams and your visions are your future self summoning you to come to her, to become her.
Sometimes it might feel like she is asking too much.
That the challenges that lay in front of you are too big to overcome.
Sometimes it might even be that the challenges are so loud that you can’t hear her calling.

But what if you don’t have to overcome your challenges?
What if there are hidden messages in the challenges and that those messages are clues that will lead you to your self, to Self.

In this masterclass you will get to listen to the calling and untangle the dreams from the challenges and braid them together with clear intention.


Linda Nenne

Yoga & Embodied Flow™ teacher, Life Coach, Somatic Healer

In the past 12 years Linda Nenne has guided, supported and helped women rediscover a deep and loving relationship to their bodies and to feel at home in themselves. She has supported them to gain clarity and self-awareness in who they are, what they want and how to live a life aligned with their inner purpose.

She specializes in supporting sensitive people to feel empowered to show for themselves and in the world with confidence, vulnerability and authenticity.